What Does It Mean to Be a White Ally?

Rev Carmen Porco

Someone recently asked me this and I’d like to share two resources that answers that question. One is a book-THE CARMEN PORCO STORY, that you can purchase here https://bit.ly/2XpdXcw and the other is a documentary-JOURNEY OF HOPE https://youtu.be/w9LaSyMaCzg, which you can view for FREE.

It is my hope that you will watch this 25-minute film with family, friends, or colleagues, discuss it and then buy the book to support the life-changing work that Rev. Carmen Porco is engaged in.

As you watch the film, you’ll soon discover what makes Carmen an ally. And when you read his inspiring story you may come away a bit more encouraged. Sometimes we think the answers lie out there somewhere, when in essence they can be found right in our own backyard.


These are depressing times for many, when it comes to race relations. We find ourselves divided with little faith that we will ever achieve unity in our lifetime. People are marching all over the country to remind us that Black Lives Matter. If there was ever a time that we needed allies to speak up, that time is now. We are in a historical moment and now is the time to become an ally.