

Students of Color Leadership Training Manual



Leadership training is critical if we are serious about preparing students to assume leadership roles. Too often we assume that new leadership will automatically spring up on its own. Those of you who work in student services know that is not the case and that we have a responsibility to help our students acquire leadership skills. This manual is intended to assist you in that effort and to provide practical information that your student leaders can use to increase participation on campus. This book contains proven lead­ership strategies that your student organization can immediately put to use.

If you want to empower your student leaders and give them the skills and knowledge to run their campus organizations better, then you should order this book today.

What you’ll find in this Book:

• Creative ways to keep students involved in your student organization

• How to determine your most effective leadership style

• 7-topics your campus leadership training must cover

• How to leverage important campus contacts to get things done

• How to manage your time and make rational decisions as a leader

• 3-goals that every student organization should establish

• How to evaluate your student organization to make it the best it can be

• An activities section filled with exercises to give students new leadership skills

• And much, much more!

Real help for Student Leaders

As an advocate for students you understand the importance of diverse leadership, and the tremendous responsibility associated with being a leader. You also understand that your university can benefit tremendously from ALANA (African, Latino/a, Asian, and Native American) student involvement.

This guide is intended to offer practical information that student leaders can immediately use to increase participation on campus. It includes the major topics the research says student leaders should be knowledgeable about. You’ll find information that will help student leaders run their organizations more effectively as well as information that will help them establish the kinds of goals that lead to success.

For example: there are three types of goals that student groups are encouraged to establish. They are: 1. Social/cultural; 2. Political; and 3. Educational/Academic. These goals will give purpose and meaning to your organization, establish direction and increase your overall effectiveness on campus. These goals, along with specific examples are included in this training manual.

Students acquire new skills and knowledge

Students will also find developmental skills and self-improvement techniques that will be useful throughout their academic and work careers. There are plenty of great activities and examples that reinforce learning so that students actually acquire new skills while becoming more confident in their leadership potential.

Practical advice Is given to Student Leaders

Students and campus leaders say they really appreciate and benefit from the practical advice that is provided throughout the book.

For instance student leaders are advised to do their “homework” when seeking resources on campus.  If you’re going after a new cultural center on campus or more faculty or more financial aid, do your homework.  Just because you say you want it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get it. You have to sell more than just your “rap.”

Rational Decision Making is a very important part of leadership training, as well as learning how to use data and statistics to your advantage. You have more credibility if you can meet with the president and say, “although we make up only 3% of the student body we represent 25% of the dropouts and 15% of those who take longer to graduate, and that’s why we need more counselors and staff that are culturally sensitive.” There’s an old African proverb that says, “To plan does not spoil the trip.” If you acquire solid rational decision making skills you can learn to be very diplomatic but effective.

Students are also told that leadership must direct and lead. It must do more than agitate, it must also advocate. It must do more than point out the problems, it must also provide the solutions.

Student leaders are taught to be respectful of cultural differences. As student leaders, it’s critical that you understand that culture is the glue that holds all communities together. The respect that you seek for your own cultural practices must be extended outward as well.


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This book explains how to conduct effective meetings. Every meeting your organization holds should be guided by an agenda. An agenda adds structure to the meeting. It includes all those items that will be dealt with at the meeting. When possible hand it out in advance.

Make your organization stand for something. Be clear on what your purpose is. “We sponsor parties” or “we raise funds for Africa’s hungry” are much clearer than, “We do different things.”

Survey students on your campus. Get their direct input before you start programming. Emphasize what students can get out of attending the programs and events that you sponsor.

Women Student Leaders

Students of Color Leadership Training Manual recognizes that female students are actively seeking leadership training and self-empowering skills so it’s easy to predict who the future leaders will be. One of the activities that is featured in the leadership training is called the Circle of Understanding where participants are asked to explore the schism that is supposed to exist between men and women. This activity really gives men and women an opportunity to express their gut level feelings and communicate in an authentic way. Women of color do experience a different set of expectations on predominately white campuses and do have different needs. Men have to be conscious of that and may need to listen and hear what our sisters are saying if we are ever going to improve relationships. So make sure the concerns of women are dealt with in any leadership training you decide to sponsor.

Creative Leadership is Promoted

Student leaders are encouraged to experiment and be creative on campus. Examples are provided on using creative titles to announce meetings. Look at the titles listed below. Which attracts your attention? Why? The right title can help spell the difference between an empty house and standing room only.

Alienation among Black students   vs. Why do I as a Black student feel so alone here?
Ramifications of budget cuts           vs. Can Black students afford college next year?
Implications of housing discrimination Places where Latinos can’t live in this city


Evaluating your Student Organization

This training manual provides an excellent process to help any student organization conduct an evaluation that will improve their organization. The process involves the entire student organization; the group “owns” the results; and it provides a roadmap that the organization can use to grow its membership and keep them engaged throughout the year!

“Your students will become better leaders as a result of the training offered in this booklet.”

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or E-book (pdf file) $12.95:


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